I’ve been spending a lot of time at Barnes & Noble reading books about guitars. Since the music section faces the comics section, the net change from before is that I’m turned 180 degrees. Anyway, this kid of thirteen or so with a faded t-shirt and long messy hair that… Read more“Talking Rock Music”
Tag: music
The concert was so cool! It was very interesting on several levels. The audience was mostly the expatriate upper class, so lots of fancy suits and dresses. Unfortunately that means the crowd wasn’t as rockin’ as the band. I kept thinking of the quote “The people in the cheaper seats… Read more“Concierto”
Anyway You Want It
“Here’s a YouTube tale with a happy ending: Filipino singer Arnel Pineda (pronounced “pin-eh-daâ€) posted footage of himself performing Journey covers with his band the Zoo and was discovered half a world away by Journey guitarist Neal Schon, who was trolling the site for new blood. Schon got in touch… Read more“Anyway You Want It”