The first “scene” of Keeley: Comic Hero Extraordinaire #3 is up. Two scenes, really, as the first scene is one page. It’s neatoriffic: go check it out!
Back to Peru
This summer I’ll be going back to Peru. Yay! It’s been in the planning stage for a while now but now it’s all coming together. My advisor Bob Benfer is holding two archaeological field schools this summer: on on bioarchaeology (one of my specialities) and archaeoastronomy. I can’t stay around… Read more“Back to Peru”
The Lost Tomb of Jesus documentary that the Discover Channel aired then subsequently countered and suppressed had one upside for archaeology: the popularization of the term “archaeoporn” to describe the documentary. It was actually said on a panel discussion that aired after the actual show. While this new and exciting… Read more“Archaeoporn!”
Whatever Happened to Issue 3?
Believe it or not, issue 3 has been snowed out until now. The opening of issue 3 takes place at the Columbia Public Library. I wanted to get some good photo references but it’s been snowing and cloudy for most of the past two months. Today it was finally sunny… Read more“Whatever Happened to Issue 3?”
The High Price of Number Crunching
I do a lot of work in statistics. In fact, almost all of my work involves statistics. I don’t collect data in the field. I don’t do things in a lab. I sit in front of my computer working with data sets and spreadsheets. Lately I’ve been doing a lot… Read more“The High Price of Number Crunching”
5,000 Years to Hold You
The Daily Mail has an interesting article on an archaeological discovery: skeletons of a male and female in an embrace. Since the discovery is near Mantua, one of the locations in Romeo and Juliet, they’re really playing up how romantic and touching the find is. But read a little further… Read more“5,000 Years to Hold You”
How My Dissertation is Going: Part One in a Long Series
The past week has been full of numbers. I’ve been examining the relationship between femur length and stature, hoping to find a sound way to estimate the latter with the former. Regression is the way to go, but what kind? Most studies have settled on linear regression but there is… Read more“How My Dissertation is Going: Part One in a Long Series”
Space Battle
I somehow missed the birth of networking sites like Friendster and Myspace but all of a sudden it seems like this type of site is almost ubiquitous with casual internet use. Specialty sites have come up to cater to specific audiences. There isn’t one for anthropology yet so I’ll write… Read more“Space Battle”
Blizzards… Everywhere!
Columbia got covered in sheets of ice over the weekend, causing all kinds of hilarity… if inching along the sidewalk and then feeling that moment of terror as I slip was hilarious. School was supposed to start on Tuesday but it was canceled due to the icy conditions. Still, I… Read more“Blizzards… Everywhere!”
Macworld Expo is Like Christmas for Nerds
One of the nerdy highlights for me in January is the Macworld Expo in San Francisco. It’s the traditional event for Apple to announce sweeping changes to their tech lineup. This year the buzz has been all about an iPhone, which didn’t really interest me at all. The irony is… Read more“Macworld Expo is Like Christmas for Nerds”