Category: Uncategorized
We Are Everyday Angels
This is a snippet of a cartoon pilot written, scored, and voiced by Jewel. Wait, don’t leave! It’s actually neat.
Notes to Myself
It was nice of me in the past to leave me a giant 36pt. note in my spreadsheet about what analysis not to run. It would’ve been nicer if I saw my own note before running the exact analysis I warned myself against! Oh well at least I remembered and… Read more“Notes to Myself”
St. Louis Zoo ’10
It’s been ages since I’ve been to St. Louis. I printed out my usual pages of maps, which necessitated a midnight trip to Walmart for ink, before realizing that I have a GPS now. Thirty seconds of typing in directions and I was good to go. The Indie Craft Revolution… Read more“St. Louis Zoo ’10”
Busy Bee
This coming week will be a wild one! On Monday our department will be hosting a visit by a job candidate. That means another round of attending talks and receptions and general hanging out with my peers. I admit I had my reservations about doing all this again, but I… Read more“Busy Bee”
Talking Rock Music
I’ve been spending a lot of time at Barnes & Noble reading books about guitars. Since the music section faces the comics section, the net change from before is that I’m turned 180 degrees. Anyway, this kid of thirteen or so with a faded t-shirt and long messy hair that… Read more“Talking Rock Music”
Welcome to My New Home
On a late night whim I decided to make WordPress my blogmaker of choice. There was some messing around with my htaccess file so links to the old blog will automatically come here. I believe that was successful. If anything goes horribly wrong, please let me know!
An Axe to Grind
Park and (Get Taken for a) Ride
I was going to be a good soldier/grad student and not blog about this, but when I examined my parking ticket from last week I saw how ridiculous it was. Here’s what happened. I had to go to the Student Health Center to see my counselor (to get the Zoloft… Read more“Park and (Get Taken for a) Ride”
This is the Extent of My High School Spirit
It’s also a wicked awesome video and song in it’s own right.