Over the last semester, I’ve been working on a virtual reality anthropology experience called AnVRopomotron. Getting the site to release involved a lot of learning in different areas. This is the start of a series of posts about the challenges I went through to get to make something I thought… Read more“AnVRopomotron: The Origin”
Author: admin
Introducing AnVRopomotron
I am extremely excited to announce the availability of AnVRopomotron, a project that I have been working on for the past semester. It is a WebVR site that allows you to experience the scale and shape of anthropological forms. Right now, there is a small collection of models I made… Read more“Introducing AnVRopomotron”
A Real Guide to Virtual Museums
Virtual reality presents an immersive way to learn about the natural world. There are apps for astronomy, historical sites, and lived experiences. One extremely powerful educational app is Wander, which turns Google Street View into a VR experience. I toured famous locations, found every place I’ve ever lived, and played… Read more“A Real Guide to Virtual Museums”
Announcing Chapter 12 of Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology
My chapter in the new Open Education Resource (OER) Biological Anthropology textbook, Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology is now available! I was super proud to have been a part of this project and I researched and wrote something that I am very happy to see. I wrote Chapter 12:… Read more“Announcing Chapter 12 of Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology”
Anthropomotron is Now Web-Only
Well, July snuck up on me. Anthropomotron has left the App Store. There are two reasons for this move. One is that stature estimation has been a stable area of research with no major developments that demand further development of the app. The other reason is that it is pricey to keep… Read more“Anthropomotron is Now Web-Only”
Summer Interacts Journal Debrief
Fitting my physical/biological anthropology course into different time frames and formats throughout the school year brings up challenges. For example, putting the same number of assignments in the condensed summer schedule would mean that I would never stop grading. Many assignments were fixed in their placement in the schedule. That left… Read more“Summer Interacts Journal Debrief”
The Long Way
It was my first semester of graduate school, fall of 2001. I was in a seminar class on paleoethnobotany, the study of ancient human-plant interactions, taught by Deborah Pearsall, who later become one of my doctoral advisors. In the ground floor meeting room of Swallow Hall, a small group and… Read more“The Long Way”
Summer Fun Project 2018
It’s nearly summertime when my teaching schedule thins out and I do something extra to stay busy. Previously, I worked on Anthropomotron, my comic, and 3D printing. My outside fun project this summer is again very related to teaching: I’m one of the writers for an Open Education Resource textbook… Read more“Summer Fun Project 2018”
Spring 2018 Semester Wrap-Up
The recent semester was a quiet one as I stuck more to my established system. The Interacts continue to be a favorite part of the course, balanced by the more demanding article summaries. The Pre-Lecture slides got better with more content, including more embedded video clips and gifs. The coffee… Read more“Spring 2018 Semester Wrap-Up”
Tuning Up for Next Semester
My winter break project this year was replacing graphics in my lectures that I didn’t like. Each semester, I wince a little at certain points when an illustration from the Internet is the best available, but still flawed in some way. Some of these illustrations have typos in them. Others are low… Read more“Tuning Up for Next Semester”