Day 11: Proposed Anthropomotron Additions List

Work on Anthropomotron since day 2 has focused mostly on the planning stages. Based on literature review and input from fellow scholars, this is my list of planned additions to the body mass and stature estimation sections, straight from my electronic notebook. I made a few notes to remind myself about the samples involved and an overview of the skeletal elements and statistical techniques used. Since I’ll be in San Diego next week work on Anthropomotron will take a little breather. Maybe I’ll go over the code to remind myself how the darn thing works!

Body Mass
Ruff et al. 2012 – Holocene Europeans, by sex and combined, femoral head breadth, RMA

De Groote and Humphrey 2011 – mixed population, metatarsal dorsiplantar and dorsiplantar+medialateral measurements.

Ruff et. al 2005 – Updated equations replace Ruff et. al 1997.

Revised Fully Method – mixed population, lots of elements with ways to estimate missing pieces

Ruff et al. 2012 – Holocene Europeans, by sex and combined, limb bones and combinations, RMA

De Groote and Humphrey 2011 – mixed population, metatarsal to femur length, dorsiplantar, metatarsal length, and combined

Ross and Manneschi 2011 – Modern Chilean by sex, humerus, tibia, and femur

Wilson et al. 2010 – DFAUS by sex, lots of limbs and combinations, prediction intervals

Maijanen and Niskanen 2010 – Medieval Scandinavian by sex, lots of limbs, OLS and RMA

Auerbach and Ruff 2010 – Prehistoric Native American divided into three regional groups, by sex, femur, tibia, and combined

Didia et al. 2009 – Modern Nigerians by sex, tibia

Kanchan et al. 2009 – North Indian by sex and combined, foot length by side

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