Not too much as been going on in my life recently. Soon though I will be visiting the U.S. east coast for the first time, which should produce many great photo opportunities. Right now, between writing words here, I’m scanning my pencil drawings from 2001-2002. I’ll share the ones I like on DeviantART. There are a lot of drawings of characters from The Epic of Karie. It’s amazing how many details I had forgotten when I committed the story to digital paint. Maybe these discrepancies can be restored when it’s made into a cash-in Medieval fantasy movie. If Eragon can do it, anybody can. Here is a sneak preview of my sketch collection:

{Upper left: Amy and Lori from Collegetown. Right: Karie from The Epic of Karie.}
The funny thing is that a lot of these are on class notes. How did I find the class time to do all of these? I guess there is a funnier thing: the class notes without drawings were recycled a long time ago.