As the year drew to a close, I reflect on how utterly challenging it was. As it is, my personal and professional life are both in a highly unstable state. All of my plans for the next one to five years have one by one been destroyed due to shifting circumstances.
At least many other things went well. The trip to Peru was great. I met a lot of cool people and got a lot of work done. I also made some progress Keeley’s comic, though four pages in five months isn’t really something to brag about (in my defense, I’m doing the job of six people). Speaking of comics I finally met up with midmococo, the local comics group, and they’re a cool bunch of people. And with them I made Selective Pressure, which I’m quite proud of.
I also earned a lot of Badass Points by oneshotting the Maiden of Virtue in Karazhan with my guild in my first attempt as the main tank. Apparently that’s unheard of. Sorry for the geek talk, just know that this month my virtual world accomplishments vastly outshine my real life ones.

{Pachakuteq:1 Maiden:0}