Data Compare-o-Matic is a simple way to check double-entered data in Microsoft Excel. Double data entry is a technique to guard against data entry errors. Two people enter the same data set into separate documents and the documents are compared for discrepancies in data entry. Data Compare-o-Matic can examine two Excel worksheets and show discrepancies one at a time to the user, who can then either choose the correct value or write-in their own value to correct both data sets. I wrote Data Compare-o-Matic because I couldn’t find a simpler solution for comparing double-entered data in large data sets (i.e. over 100 columns).
- Easy-to-use interface
- Displays discrepancies individually
- Fix discrepancies with a click
- Write-in your own value to replace values in both tables
- Microsoft Excel (with macros enabled)
- Two sets of data arranged in the same order
Watch a video of Data Compare-o-Matic in action!

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